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🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 👍

OpenBeta is a climber-led, all-volunteer effort. You can get involved with just a one-off task or join the core volunteer team and participate in longer term projects.

We're building a new climbing platform from the ground up, which means fewer constrains and without ten thousand lines of legacy code. You can make a direct impact on the future of open source + rock climbing.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the OpenBeta of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

How can I contribute?

We want contributing to the project be fun and educational. Here's a non-exhaustive list of areas we're needing help with:

Software development

We're looking for help with frontend, backend, full stack development, and data engineering.

Our tech stack: JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwindcss, Node.js, Python, Pandas, MongoDB, Docker and Kubernetes.

We follow the standard GitHub pull-request and merge process.


For new contributors, we ask that you fork the repo you will be working on, and submit pull requests from your fork. We invite frequent contributors to join the core dev team with write permission to simplify your workflow.

Review the onboarding checklist.

Graphic, UX Design

We're looking for help improving the user experience, making it easier for climbers to use the wiki to do their research and participate in the project.

Review the onboarding checklist.

Social media/Community manager

We're looking for help growing and managing our Instagram and social media presence.

Review the onboarding checklist.

Route maintenance & development

If you're a route developer or a part of a climber coalition, we would love to work with you to currate and update route information for your local crags.

Continue to Route development page.